Party News

Want to do something good? Volunteer. It’s the antidote to feeling helpless.

On Saturday, March 12, at the Villa Linda Park, 18 volunteers picked up trash, re-distributed wood chips in the playground area, pruned Chamisa bushes in the dog park, raked and bagged leaves, rid the parking lot of broken glass, and more. Everyone had a great time. Local members of the community appreciated the efforts. And – the city put up a sign that says the park has been adopted by the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County. #DemsDeliver #StrongerTogether
There’s no better antidote to feeling helpless than helping others.
To join our next event,  register here: CLICK HERE

New Mexico Democrats bring the 2022 Pre-Primary Convention to Roswell

The democratic process was in full force Friday, March 5, and Saturday, March 6 as 300 people in-person and 600 on Zoom watched, listened, and cheered as candidates presented themselves and their platforms. Santa Fe County was well represented by 12 delegates.  It was an exhilarating show of support for a process that has been the backbone of our country’s electoral system since our country was founded.

To help kick things off on Friday, candidates and delegates mingled at the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art. The meet and greet against the backdrop of truly outstanding art was a great way for delegates and candidates to share a moment of relaxed conversation. 

On Saturday at 12 pm, the convention began. Three hours later, delegates heard from all the candidates from Governor and other statewide uncontested slates to federal, judicial, and the statewide contested races. It was an impressive showing of support for all candidates with lots of rousing speechifying. 

The takeaway from this pre-primary event can be seen on the sleeve of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s bomber jacket and in her remarks. Her bomber jacket sleeve had the words, “Warrior” written on it. And in her own words, she asked us to “…bring your badass selves to the 2022 midterms. We will not go backward”. 


Call for Volunteers with Santa Fe Dems’ Community Service Program


Our mission is to organize and provide volunteering opportunities that reflect the tenets of the DPSFC platform. Volunteering through the Community Service Program demonstrates that Santa Fe County Democrats are here to serve our community to build a stronger and healthier society for ALL.

We are looking for members of our community, people just like you, to make our Community, County, and the world in which we live, a better place.

Monthly Schedule




Every Month


Additional Information

Food Depot 1222 A Siler Road 1st Monday and 3rd Thursday 1:30-4:00 pm pack food into bags in preparation for distribution
Santa Fe Animal Shelter 100 Caja del Rio Rd 2nd  Tuesday 8:30 AM

volunteers must be trained prior to working with animals – if you are interested, please e-mail –

City Parks Villa Linda Park 2nd Thursday* 11:00 AM


tidy up playground and dog park areas

Reunity Resources 1829 San Ysidro Crossing 2nd Saturday 9:00 AM


assist with farm activities in the field or greenhouses – October last month this year.  Will resume next spring.


Pete’s Place 2801 Cerrillos Road 4th Tuesday 7:00 summer – 5:30 Winter

 donate food, cook or help serve dinner – Volunteers also deliver lunches on Mondays (lunches team currently full)

Habitat for Humanity On hold


help build homes – no experience or tools necessary – if you are interested, please e-mail –

Kitchen Angels 1222 Siler Road Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15 PM


must be on a designated team

Santa Fe Indigenous Center 1420 Cerillos Road Fridays – click here for schedule 9:00 AM


drop off donations or help with distribution



Looking forward to serving with YOU!!  We are making a difference!!

 PETE’S PLACE — The CSP now serves a dinner every 4th Tuesday of the month and an additional dinner service as necessary.  If you are interested in serving dinner, donating food for funds for groceries, or cooking, please sign up here or e-mail  .



Is there an organization you think would like to partner with us? Please contact   .

Organizations currently partnering with the CSP


Video: Northern New Mexico Candidate Forum

Candidates in the three contested statewide races made cases for why they should win the June 7 primary at a recent Northern New Mexico candidate Forum on Zoom.

Alexa Maros, chair of Santa Fe’s Ward 5-A, questioned candidates for attorney general, Brian Colon and Raul Torrez, who fielded questions such as what they would do to protect democracy against fake electors, fake audits and armed domestic terrorists.

Darien Fernandez, Taos County chair, greeted candidates for state auditor, Joseph Maestas and Zachary Quintero, who were asked to define the duties of auditor and to define how they would demand accountability from the Children, Youth and Families Department.

Cindy Pabst, chair of Santa Fe’s Ward 4-A, faced candidates for state treasurer, Heather Benavidez and Laura Montoya. In addition to defining the treasurer’s role and strategies to win against a Republican in November, these candidates were asked to complete the sentence: “In my lifetime I have worked very hard to be …”

To view the candidates’ responses and entire forum, see below link

DPSFC thanks its partners: Los Alamos County Chair Cat Ozment, Rio Arriba County Chair Joann Salazar, and Taos County Chair Fernandez. Also, for IT, Phyllis Bustamante and timekeeper Linda Burchfiel.
Produced by: DPSFC Chair, Bernadette Vadurro




Ward Members !
Join us as we choose our ward delegates for the 2022 pre-primary convention. You could be one of them. If you’ve never done this before, it’s an amazing experience witnessing the democratic process in action. Be one of only a handful of people who get to be on the inside. 

Click here to find the date for your ward delegate meeting:


Mardi Gras

It’s the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County’s 

Annual Mardi Gras Party

In Person

Get Ready  

Get Your Tickets

CLICK HERE  for more details and get tickets


When:  March 1 2022
Where: Elks’ Club, 1615 Old Pecos Trail
Time:    4:30pm – 8:30pm

Proof of vaccination required to attend

To -Go Dinner Box
DJ Music and Dancing
Fortune Tellers/ Tarot Card Readers
Dance and Costume Contests
Silent Auction, No Host Bar
Prizes, Face Painting,and Fun!

CLICK HERE  for more details and get tickets
OR CALL 505-577-6964

Ward Precincts Name Title Email Phone
1A 1, 2, 3, 4, 58, 79, 118 Roland Borrego Chair (505) 470-4563
Dorothy Borrego Vice Chair (505) 927-9420
1B 5, 23, 40, 59, 60, 61, 87, 128 Melissa Mascarenas Chair (505) 470-6325
Gabriel Montoya Vice Chair (505) 660-4016
1C 6, 7, 8, 10, 22, 28, 30, 91, 119, 122, 123, 131 Cordelia Medina Chair (505) 316-5548
Julie Rodriguez Vice Chair (505) 690-1819
1D 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 83, 95, 121, 147, 158, 169, 172 Pat Cruz Chair (505) 917-9139
Luetta Donald Vice Chair (703) 835-2510
2A 64, 80, 106, 140, 179, 66, 67, 108, 109, 135, 136, 137, 138, 174 Fabian Trujillo Chair (505) 660-5180
Michael Jones First Vice Chair (505) 699-9439
Ted Carlin 2nd  Vice Chair (505) 473-1395
2B 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 97, 98, 159, 160, 178 Scott Fuqua Co-Chair
Matthew Jackson Vice Chair (505) 204-8321
2C 11, 82, 90, 92, 146, 152, 153, 155, 177 Jonnalyn Grover Chair (505) 660-2200
Eileen (E) Koehn Vice Chair  (785) 776-3923
3A 86, 89, 145, 149, 151, 170, 176 Connie Hvidsten Chair (916) 217-3043
Sara Hume Vice Chair (505) 490-2224
3B 12, 62, 75, 93, 116, 141, 154 Rudy Garcia Chair (505) 490-2274
TBD Vice Chair (916) 868 - 7270
3C 15, 18, 73, 84, 85, 115, 125, 148, 156, 157 Adrian Chavez Chair (505) 804-0714
Carol Young Vice Chair (515) 505-5534
3D 16, 17, 19, 72, 114 Corey Mcgillicuddy Chair (505) 466-1831
Chris Chapin Vice Chair (916) 868 - 7270
4A 13, 57, 63, 68, 81, 94, 129, 165, 171 Cindy Pabst Chair (516) 353-6871
Georgia Roybal Vice Chair (505) 795-6856
Gretchen Ackerman Secretary (303) 918-2128
4B 29, 37, 51, 54, 55, 77, 103, 104, 117, 124, 161 Mary Freitas Chair (505) 490-3258
Peter Ives Vice Chair
4C 41, 42, 43, 52, 53, 101, 102, 164 Phyllis Bustamante Chair (505) 986-1443
Meg Miezwa Vice Chair (505) 982-9485
Anna Barber-Gonzales Secretary
4D 9, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 100, 120, 127, 130, 132, 162, 163 Ivy Stern Chair (847) 421-4760
Sheila Vaughan Vice Chair (505) ‭‭‭629-3034
5A 65, 69, 71, 107, 110, 113, 134, 139, 168 Alexa Maros Chair (505) 660-5596
Alan Courtney Vice Chair (505) 750-7166
Karla Lauritsen Secretary (970) 286-3732
Jeanne Browne Treasurer (307) 683-6066
5B 14, 70, 88, 111, 112, 126, 150, 166, 167, 175 Stephen Thies Chair (612) 250-6945
TBD Vice Chair
5C 56, 78, 96, 105, 133, 142, 143, 144, 173 Xavier Anderson Chair (505)-490-5396
5D 35, 38, 39, 49, 50, 74, 76, 99 Alicia Garcia-White Chair (831) 776-9404
Milee Griego Rotunno Vice Chair (505) 577-8932