The Big Event Is On Saturday

Statewide Contested Candidates all together in beautiful Galisteo Saturday, April 9th at 1pm Hosted by Galisteo Dems, DPNM Rural Caucus, DPNM Veterans Caucus, DPSFC Southern Wards & Eldorado Dems...


Democratic Party of Santa Fe County’s Platform DPSFC Platform 2020 Democratic Party of New Mexico’s Platform DPNM Platform 2018 Democratic National Committee’s Platform 2016 DNC Platform

It’s Canvassing Season!

As the saying goes, 'early bird gets the worm'. In this case, it's not worms we are after, it is votes. Democratic votes. Click on the headline for more information.

Mardi Gras

Fat Tuesday has come and gone but the memories are here for a long time. This year’s Mardi Gras celebration served up great food, including untold pounds of Phyllis Bustamante's famous coleslaw and Julie Rodriguez’s chicken and sausage gumbo which was fantastically...

Video: Northern New Mexico Candidate Forum

Candidates in the three contested statewide races made cases for why they should win the June 7 primary at a recent Northern New Mexico candidate Forum on Zoom. Alexa Maros, chair of Santa Fe’s Ward 5-A, questioned candidates for attorney general, Brian Colon and Raul...