Party News

From Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez

Jun 29, 2022 | Party News


Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy few weeks! Over the weekend, I met with President Biden and requested his commitment to passing the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Assistance Act and he expressed his support for the legislation. 

I also made a direct request to the President for additional resources to protect the destroyed watersheds and secured full federal cost coverage for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program to pay for work on private land needed to protect homes and property from flooding after the wildfires. 

It’s outrageous that the U.S. Forest Service started both the Calf Canyon and Hermit’s Peak Wildfires. That’s why I also called for an independent federal investigation so that no other community in New Mexico or the U.S. suffers the destruction we have seen from these catastrophic wildfires.

Affordable Connectivity Program Workshop

Do you need help paying for the internet? Or do you want internet services but can’t afford it? You may be eligible for money from the government’s Affordable Connectivity Program that will help you pay for broadband!

I encourage you to check if you’re eligible for and enroll in the program. To find more information and enroll, visit or call the ACP Support Center at (877) 384-2575. 

My office is also holding a workshop on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 PM MST about how to sign up for this important program. To participate, you can call 833-998-1736.

2022 Congressional Art Competition

New Mexico is home to many talented young artists who make our communities vibrant. I am proud to announce this year’s Congressional Art Competition winner, “The Land of Enchantment!” by Vanezia Aguayo. 

This painting captures our state’s rich history, culture, and landscapes. I’m excited to see  Vanezia’s work displayed in the U.S. Capitol!

Around New Mexico

This Memorial Day, I joined veterans, military families, and members of my community. Together, we stood on hallowed ground and honored those fallen at the Santa Fe National Cemetery.
I also joined community members in Questa for their Healing Field of Honor Ceremony to commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the people that we love. It was truly an honor to witness their beautiful display and reflect upon our heroes.
It was great to meet with some of New Mexico’s AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps C.E.O., Michael Smith. I’m proud to support their work to support the preservation of our natural heritage.

Legislative Corner

Last week, President Biden signed a bill to extend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA)! For over thirty years, RECA has provided compensation to the largely rural, Hispanic, and Native New Mexico communities involved in uranium mining for the nation’s nuclear weapons program. Thanks to this extension, New Mexican miners will continue to have access to the program which was previously scheduled to sunset in July 2022. 

I know more work needs to be done to ensure just compensation for all affected New Mexicans. That’s why I’ll continue to push for the passage of my bill, H.R. 5338, the RECA Amendments of 2021. H.R. 5338 would expand eligibility under RECA to include downwinders from New Mexico and other states as well as post-71 uranium miners.
I also recently voted for, and the House passed:
  • The Protecting Our Kids Act to enact common-sense reforms to end gun violence in our beloved communities. We must do everything we can to save lives and keep our children safe across our country.
  • The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act to ensure that states, territories, and Tribes have the resources they need to conserve our most vulnerable wildlife species.

Constituent Services

Debris removal for Mora and San Miguel Counties
A full-service debris removal program to collect all wildfire debris on residential property is now available in Mora and San Miguel Counties. Debris will be collected and properly disposed of with no cost to property owners. 

For more information and to apply, go to or call the state wildfire assistance hotline at 1-800-432-2080.
Teresa Leger Fernández
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