Call for Volunteers with Santa Fe Dems’ Community Service Program
MISSION Our mission is to organize and provide volunteering opportunities that reflect the tenets of the DPSFC platform. Volunteering through the Community Service Program demonstrates that Santa Fe County Democrats are here to serve our community to build a stronger...
Democratic Party of New Mexico Platform 2022
On March 5, 2022 in Roswell, NM, voting for the DRAFT Democratic Party of New Mexico Platform will take place at the Pre-Primary Democratic Party of New Mexico Convention.
Please familiarize yourself with this document: CLICK HERE
Video: Northern New Mexico Candidate Forum
Candidates in the three contested statewide races made cases for why they should win the June 7 primary at a recent Northern New Mexico candidate Forum on Zoom. Alexa Maros, chair of Santa Fe’s Ward 5-A, questioned candidates for attorney general, Brian Colon and Raul...
Ward Members ! Join us as we choose our ward delegates for the 2022 pre-primary convention. You could be one of them. If you've never done this before, it's an amazing experience witnessing the democratic process in action. Be one of only a handful of people who get...
Mardi Gras
It’s the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County’s Annual Mardi Gras Party. This will be In an in-person event.
Get Ready and Get Your Tickets CLICK HERE for more details and get tickets
Resolution in Support of the New Mexico Green Amendment
Whereas the platforms of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and of the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County affirm the right to live in a healthy environment; And Whereas it is appropriate for the DPSFC to put our platform into action by supporting actions that...
DPSFC Members Attend Virtual Legislative Dinner
The State Democratic Legislative Dinner went virtual – and high energy, with appearances by Sen. Elizabeth Warren from her porch and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland of New Mexico. Whitmer hinted that she could tell some tall tales...
Enough is Enough–Burst the Bubble and Look up
In his speech commemorating the First Anniversary of the Capitol Insurrection, President Biden did not hold back. And we shouldn’t either. We believe in the truth, not lies. We believe in science. We believe in peer-reviewed studies backed by facts. We believe...
Families First
By Corey McGillicuddy, Ward Chair, 3-D Families first means a living wage for all Families first means affordable child care Families first means affordable elder care Families first means affordable housing Families first means affordable health care Families first...
We Need Your Help
We’ve been lucky here in New Mexico, over the last few years, to have Democrats hold all our statewide offices and most of our congressional districts. But that could change in 2022, if we fail to get our Democratic candidates on the ballot. Imagine a Republican...