By Phyllis Bustamante

City Parks. The Food Depot. Kitchen Angels. Santa Fe Animal Shelter. Reunity Resources. Habitat for Humanity. Santa Fe Indigenous Center.
Want to volunteer? We’ve got a place for you.

There’s a standardized Google Doc for you to use. Or, email us here:  See more about our work to help our community, below. 

CITY PARKS – We need more assistance with city parks. They continue to be short staffed and need help. Information will be sent the Sunday before the parks day to report where and what work we hope to accomplish on the following Thursday. This week we will be at Young Park, just south of 1420, at 9 a m. We will be sanding and painting benches and painting archways. Please consider joining us.

ANIMAL SHELTER  – There are CSP volunteers going regularly at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and other days of the week to work with dogs. The Animal Shelter will provide training on the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m.  Once you are trained, you are able to work with animals specific to your training.  Please inform us if you plan to attend a training session.

KITCHEN ANGELS – We have 11 signed up for food delivery for Kitchen Angels for a Wednesday route. This reduces the commitment to food delivery to about once a month. Kitchen Angels would liked us to fill a roster to deliver a Monday route. If you are interested in delivering food for Kitchen Angels at least once a month on Mondays, please respond. We can set up a Monday rotation if there is enough interest and availability.

FOOD DEPOT – CSP volunteers are participating on the first Wednesday and third Thursday of every month at 1:30 p.m..  Five or six volunteers work each shift, typically filling pantry bags.

REUNITY RESOURCES – Aug. 13 is the next Reunity Resources event. It is peak season so there is much activity at the farm. They can use help.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – Habitat is finishing homes in Oshara Village. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and help in making somebody’s dream of home ownership come true.

SANTA FE INDIGENOUS CENTER – Donations are always helpful. Volunteers can also assist with distribution.

See the schedule for dates and times. We are looking forward to serving our community with you. We are making a difference.

On behalf of the Community Services Committee, we hope everybody is well and enjoying the cooler temperatures. Join us!