Establishing the Division of Creative Industries (HB 8): The creative industries – spanning fine art, performance, traditional craftwork, architecture, software design, and more – are integral to New Mexico and to our district. This groundbreaking division would provide professional support and funding to creative businesses and entrepreneurs helping them grow and create jobs. Already a $5.6 billion industry, the creative heart and soul of New Mexico holds enormous potential to diversify our economy. 

  • Protecting Reproductive Rights and Gender-Affirming Care (HB 7): As reproductive rights are attacked in states around us, we must defend them in New Mexico. I am a proud co-sponsor on this critical piece of legislation to protect patients’ access to care in every county. 
  • Affordable Health Care – Medicaid Forward (HB 400 ): Today, 200,000 New Mexicans are uninsured. Medicaid Forward charts an innovative plan to leverage major federal funding to create a new affordable coverage option dramatically reducing costs and increasing coverage for our families. Starting with a study to outline the most effective way for the program to operate, Medicaid Forward proposes allowing many more New Mexicans who currently earn above the income threshold, to buy-in to Medicaid on a slide price scale, getting robust coverage at a price they and their families can afford.
  • Creating Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian Day (HB 274): As the first Asian American elected to a leadership position in the New Mexico Legislature, this bill is close to my heart. We know we are stronger when we walk together toward progress and stand together against intolerance. The AAPINH community has been working for years to establish this day, raising the visibility of this vibrant New Mexican community means so much to our families and is an opportunity for all of us to learn about and celebrate our diversity.
  • Strengthening anti-harassment policies in the Roundhouse (HB 169): For years, a one-sided gag rule has been in place on individuals who report that they have been harassed by a legislator or staff. When they filed a complaint, they were immediately required to be silent on the matter, even while the individual who the complaint was filed against was free to speak about the incident to anyone. Not only was this unfair, it made it difficult for the alleged victim to talk to support systems in their lives and heal. HB 169 ends this one-sided gag rule and is one more step to making our Roundhouse a place where all can feel safe.