Ward chair roles:

  • Convene and preside over ward meetings. There isn’t a set requirement for the number or frequency of meetings, but our commitment to democracy within the party implies that wards should sometimes meet.
  • Ensure that meetings are conducted according to Democratic Party rules and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Ensure that minutes are prepared for each Ward meeting and posted or shared appropriately.
  • Conduct elections to the County Central Committee.
  • Develop an action plan by April of each year.
  • Build membership (i.e., activists/volunteers) within the Ward.
  • Assist in maintaining a list of volunteers and potential volunteers within the Ward. This list is maintained by the county party, but updates and corrections from the wards help keep it up-to-date and useful.
  • Appoint Precinct Chairs to fill any vacancies.
  • Attend monthly meetings of the county Executive Committee the first Thursday of the month (every other month on Zoom)
  • Assume responsibility for any monies raised by the Ward.

Other activities::

  • Lead Ward in activities that increase the number of Democratic voters in Santa Fe County by:
  • Increasing number of voter registration agents (VRAs) and voter registration events
  • Hosting/attending neighborhood events to introduce Ward members to elected officials, candidates and/or value of voting
  • Any other neighborhood outreach
  • Participate in DPSFC events and encourage other Ward members to do so:

Attending county party events such as the Mardi Gras and Ben and Carmen Lujan Awards

  • Communicate internally and externally
  • Keep county leadership informed of activities within the Ward
  • Share effective strategies with other Ward leaders
  • Keep the Communications team apprised of Ward activities for publication in the newsletter and on social media
  • Keep ward members informed of DPSFC events and activities and opportunities to participate in the Community Services Program
  • Develop at least one “listening” program to better understand what issues voters in the Ward value: by online poll, door knocking, meeting/event or other means.