So, what can you do? First stay tuned. This is the first of a series of alerts that will provide information as the immigration advocacy community asks for collective help. Because undocumented immigrants don’t vote, this community needs its allies (us) more than ever. Elections in some parts of New Mexico showed increased backlash against immigration, making some legislators, including Democrats, wary of taking public positions in solidarity with our immigrant communities, broadly made up of mixed-status households. The voting public will need to stand in solidarity with our immigrant communities to persuade legislators they need to oppose the mass deportation agenda.  

Key arguments to use:

  • Raids and sweeps will violate the rights of citizens, documented immigrants and people of color.
  • Family separations are likely and will traumatize children in ways that may not be reparable. Fear of family separation may drive low school attendance. 
  • Employer I-9 audits will result in immediate loss of employment, disruption of families due to loss of income and may decimate smaller employers/businesses.
  • Economic disruptions will immediately negatively impact community economies and over time will create industry wide disruptions and losses of tax revenues to communities and the state. 
  • Shortages of employees will result in closures and limited hours for some businesses, which will increase prices and reduce access to some services.

Some legislative proposals to watch:

Your letters to legislators and any efforts to reach out to others in support of legislation will be critical.  Some outreach to the governor’s office may also be important. 

  • Privacy legislation to prevent the sale and release of private personal information by the Motor Vehicles Department or any other state agency (this was passed before but vetoed by the Governor) used by ICE to “hunt” people.  This legislation will also protect health conditions and services where restrictive red states may attempt to pursue their residents across state borders with legal penalties (e.g., abortion, gender affirming care)
  • Prohibitions against use of state and local resources in immigration enforcement, particularly local law enforcement, can be either/or legislation and Executive orders or combination. 
  • Setting up funding sources for legal and emergency assistance when dislocations of families occur due to employment terminations after ICE raids and I9 audits of employers.  

Spread the word:

Broadcast strategies to distribute “know your rights” and other information all over the state: distribute to your networks and ask them to further broadcast the information through email and other contact lists.  

  • Make copies to give to people you know and meet who may need the information.
  • Email to friends and colleagues who share your values and ask them to distribute either in hard copy or by email to those they care about.
  • Try to get this information to teachers, PTAs and churches for distribution. 
  • We need this information to be distributed state-wide.  

