Whereas the platforms of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and of the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County affirm the right to live in a healthy environment;
And Whereas it is appropriate for the DPSFC to put our platform into action by supporting actions that put the language in the platform into effect;
And Whereas every New Mexican should have access to what should be a basic human right to clean air, land and water;
And Whereas there is a critical need for ways in which environmental justice can be legally enforced, particularly for disadvantaged communities which are disproportionately targeted by polluters;
And Whereas the New Mexico Green Amendment would raise up environmental rights to our constitution’s Bill of Rights by amending Article II of the New Mexico Constitution to read:
- The people of the state have the natural, inherent and inalienable right to a clean and healthy environment, including water, air, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems and climate, and to the protection of the natural, cultural, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment.
- The protection of the state’s environment is hereby declared to be of fundamental importance to health, safety and the public interest.
- The state, including its political subdivisions, shall serve as trustee of the natural resources of New Mexico and shall conserve, protect and maintain these resources for the benefit of all New Mexicans, including present and future generations.
- The provisions of this section are self-executing.
And Whereas the New Mexico Green Amendment has been endorsed by over 40 organizations statewide, including Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA), the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce, Tewa Women United, and the DPNM Rural Caucus;
Therefore Be It Resolved that the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County calls for the passage of a New Mexico Green Amendment;
And Be It Further Resolved that the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County urges our county delegation in the NM Legislature to support passage of a New Mexico Green Amendment during the 2022 Regular Session of the legislature.