Call with Raskin, Stansbury

Dems Taking Action

  • Increased Coordination: All 215 House Democrats are in constant communication, and Senate Democrats are doing the same.
  • Disrupting Republican Actions: Using voting power and actions to obstruct, even if it’s not always visible.
  • Task Forces: Every Democratic House member is on a task force; only the Rapid Response one is public.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Republican Actions:
    • Public statements from some Republicans do not match their private actions.
    • Letters from Democrats have successfully influenced Republican officials, e.g., ending mass layoffs for tribal programs and reinstating HBCU agriculture scholarship funding.
  • Misleading Media Narratives: “Don’t be fooled by the mirage they put on TV.”

Legal and Oversight Efforts:

  • Attorney Generals’ Role: Democratic AGs meet daily to strategize on lawsuits and collaborations.
  • Jamie Raskin on Trump & Court Orders:
    • Judges can issue contempt motions.
    • Criminal enforcement requires DOJ involvement, but civil enforcement (e.g., property seizure, daily fines) does not.
    • Democrats are prepared for further action if necessary, but “we are not there yet.”
    • Trump is complying with some cases.

Data Privacy & Protection

  • Winning the Treasury Case: But data security remains uncertain.
  • Class Action Lawsuit Possibility:
    • A Reagan-era 1986 law may allow a nationwide lawsuit if proof of data tampering is found.
    • Currently, there is speculation but no solid proof.

Republican Outreach Efforts

  • Targeting Key Republicans:
    • Focus on retiring Republicans and freshmen who may not have realized what they signed up for.
    • Raskin has engaged personally, even hosting Boebert and her family for dinner.
  • Republicans in Moderate Districts: Facing pressure from the administration.

Shadow Cabinet Debate

  • Requires Coordination Between House, Senate, and DNC.
  • Concern: If specific people are assigned to shadow agencies, others might not take action.
  • Advocates are working to reassure skeptics that it will function effectively.

Congressional Standing on Agencies

  • Congress has standing to act in cases where others, like unions, do not.
  • More details expected in the coming weeks.
  • Democrats will likely assert their right to go to court on behalf of federal agencies.

Fighting Corruption

  • Warning Signs:
    • When Republicans push narratives about eliminating “waste, fraud, and abuse,” it’s often a cover for corruption.
    • The administration’s dismissal of Inspectors General undermines accountability.
  • Recommended Reading: Documents from the Judiciary, Appropriations, and Oversight Committees.

Final Message:

Democrats are actively working behind closed doors, taking action, and making progress. Keep pushing forward!