SCC Candidate Statements

Priscilla Abeyta (Female)
I have lived in Canada de Los Alamos area all my life and I have lived the hardships of most of the people here. I want to represent and fight for them.

Timothy Beauchamp (Male)
I’ve worked in progressive politics since the 1990s. My gay-bashing case in Tulsa, OK and past partner’s testimony helped pass the “Matthew Shepard -James Byrd Hate Crimes Law”
A poem I wrote on a submarine in 1988 during the Cold War called: “Sub Sailors Views on Glasnost” was published and displayed in a submarine mockup in the Cold War submarine exhibit in the Smithsonian American History museum.  I’m a graduate of the Naval Nuclear Engineering School.
I’m a 100% service-connected veteran suffering from PTSD and other mental health issues.
My husband, Charlie, and I, including their mother, Connie, have raised two successful children.  Our daughter, Sarah, has a family in Denver and our son, Parker, and his wife, Casi, are serving overseas in the Air Force.
I’m a volunteer janitor at the homeless shelter, Pete’s Place.  Of possible interest, my late father is a major league baseball player, Jim Beauchamp and we are direct descendants of John Beauchamp or the Plymouth Company, Edmund Beauchamp of the Chesapeake Colony.  Edmund helped establish the first District Court in Chesapeake as Court Clerk.  Our cousins are James Beauchamp “Champ” Clark, Speaker of the House of Reps in 1911-1918, and U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen in Maryland. 

Jodi Dionne (Female)
I am a lifelong Democrat along with my entire family.  I am currently the Treasurer for the Santa Fe County Democrats as well as for Ward 1C.  As a small business owner, I have the time and WILL SHOW UP!

Scott Fuqua (Male)
As a former Assistant Attorney General representing the Secretary of State’s Office in its election-related litigation, I understand how important the process of selecting candidates for the ballot is. It’s serious business that I take seriously, and I am committed to placing progressive, electable candidates on the ballot to represent the Democratic Party in what looks to be a difficult year for Democrats.
Travis Garoutte (Gender-Diverse):
As a genderqueer, gay, Latinx man, I am running for the State Central Committee to represent folks from a variety of identities like mine. I am also a public health professional and will support candidates who I understand will be most supportive of public health across New Mexico. Also, candidates who understand the need to disrupt systemic racism here in New Mexico and vow to help dismantle it will also receive my vote. Thank you!
Jonnalyn Grover (Female):
I am passionate about the longevity of our Democracy. I am committed to doing what is necessary to ensure its future. One of my strengths is the ability to listen to others without judgment, really listen, and keep an open mind. I consider myself a progressive Democrat but also realize that compromise, to find common ground, is the only way to effect change. As I’ve engaged with neighbors and friends in conversations about our community and country, most of us feel that this country is headed in a dangerous direction. We need change now.
Tim Hornig (Male)
I’m running to be on the SCC as a way to contribute to achieving a good outcome in what looks to be a challenging election cycle. I’ve been in New Mexico for 11 years now, registered as a Democrat and supporting progressive candidates, but haven’t done anything beyond voting (regularly), donating to campaigns (occasionally), and canvassing (once).  I’m looking for ways to get engaged.
In my day job, I consult with state governments around the implementation of large computer systems, which are often tied to federal programs for funding. In doing this work I need to gather information from a wide variety of sources and work to align goals and objectives so all participants are working to the same plan – I expect the SCC’s efforts to set the direction for our efforts in New Mexico will have a similar flavor. At any rate, I hope my general organizational skills and common sense will be helpful.   
Matthew Jackson (Male):
I am a former assistant attorney general and am currently in private practice.  I am committed to working to support Democratic candidates who are dedicated to materially improving the lives of New Mexicans through ethical public service.
Frank Katz (Male):
To facilitate the election of progressive candidates.
Thomas Leatherwood (Male):
It is important to support progressive candidates and policies that secure the best possible future for all New Mexicans. I have been committed to work within the Democratic Party in other states for 3 decades and for 3 decades in NM for these purposes and I would be honored to work with colleagues on the State Central Committee to further our common goals. This work includes the transformation of an economy dependent on the federal government and oil and gas into one that is sustainable at the local, regional, and state level.
Alexa Maros (Female):
As the Chair for Ward 5A, I believe in the NM Democratic Party’s vision for a better community, state, and country. Democrats deliver through service and living their values. As a progressive activist and organizer, I want to do my part to build a better future for my community and state. Our democracy hangs in the balance this year. Now more than ever we need to take action to expand and support our growing Democratic party. Being a member of the State Central Committee would help me amplify my skills and service to do more for the Party in this critical midterm election year.
Berkeley Merchant (Male):
I am a life-long Democrat and have voted in every election (that I was aware of) since moving to Santa Fe in 2006. Though not a native of New Mexico, I have a high appreciation, value, and respect for the deep heritage of the major ethnic groups that define our unique history and culture that makes us all New Mexicans!
In the past several years I have entered and continue to increase my active participation in political affairs, especially those regarding Santa Fe County and all of northern New Mexico. Most recently I have served as the Campaign Treasurer for Joseph Maestas for three campaigns, including his successful election to the PRC. Through working on Joe’s campaigns, I have gained a significant appreciation for the hard work that so many undertake to preserve our democracy at the grassroots level and especially for progressive positions that are our Democratic Party.
I now wish to further increase my active participation and support our New Mexico Democratic Party by actively running for the State Central Committee.
Anthony Rivera (Male)
My great, great grandfather, Pedro Vigil was a janitor who could not read or write but knew the value of getting involved. I trust in his wisdom to tackle getting involved as well.