Everything You’ve Always Wanted
To Know About Party Structure
Committed to electing Democrats everywhere – from the school board to the Oval Office
Building the foundation for a prosperous and inclusive New Mexico, from Farmington to Carlsbad
1. Mission and Values
2. Organizational Structure: Meetings & Committees
3. Roles and Responsibilities
1. Mission & Values (found in the DPSFC Platform, located on the website under documents)
Our primary purpose is to elect and retain Democrats at all levels of government by activating and mobilizing a fully informed electorate.
Core Values – summarized (complete statement found on the DPSFC website under documents
Santa Fe County Democrats celebrate many cultures and believe that every person matters. We believe that all citizens should have an equal voice in how we are governed and call out the disproportionate amount of influence by rich and powerful special interests on our government.
We oppose economic and wealth inequality. We affirm the ties that bind us together as one human family. We envision a New Mexico in which every person is treated with respect and every person has what it takes to live a life of dignity—secure, decent-paying jobs; a just economic system; a universal single-payer health care system; high-quality public schools; and a safe, healthy environment where the unmatched beauty of our land is preserved for future generations.
For the sake of future generations and the health of the planet, we commit to taking every step possible in New Mexico to combat the climate crisis. As caring citizens of Santa Fe County, this state, this country, and this planet, we hold these basic rights to be the natural heritage of all people. As dedicated Democrats, we band together to claim that heritage for every member of our human community, both now and in times to come.
The platform includes detailed statements of core values related to:
Ethics in Campaigns and Government
Climate Crisis
Environmental Protection
Attracting Investment in New Mexico
Investing in New Mexico Children and Youth
Healthcare for All
Comprehensive Consumer Protections
Affordable Housing
Jobs and Labor Rights
Public Safety
Criminal Justice Reform
Civil Rights
Campaign Finance Reform, Elections & Ethics
Native Americans
Science & Technology
Agriculture and Food Supply
Public Lands
2. Organizational Structure
County Central Committee: The CCC generally meets about once a year – usually in the spring but can be called any time there is important County Party business. The primary purpose of the CCC is to conduct elections and adopt or amend internal rules governing the County Party.
The CCC takes up other key decisions such as modifying Ward boundaries. The CCC elects representatives to the State Central Committee – which has the same role in electing Party officers, adopting rules, or adjudicating disputes at the state level. Currently Santa Fe elects 56 members to the State Central Committee, out of about 440 members statewide.
County Convention: The County Convention convenes in even-numbered years prior to a state or national election. The County Convention is different from the CCC in that they adopt a platform or resolutions on policies affecting the county. The County Convention also selects delegates to the State Democratic Convention where candidates for state and national public office are considered.
Delegates to the State Convention nominate the candidates for state and national office in a Pre-Primary Convention. In presidential election years, an additional Post-Primary Convention is held to elect delegates to the National Convention.
County Executive Committee: Whereas the CCC is the governing body of the County Party, it is large and cumbersome for running the everyday business of the party and most of that authority is delegated to the County Executive Committee. The voting members of the County Executive Committee consists of the County Officers, Ward Chairs and Vice Chairs, and representatives from The Federation of Democratic Women and Young Democrats of Santa Fe County. Committee Chairs and representatives of special-interest caucuses (i.e. the Hispanic Caucus, the Veterans’ Caucus, or the Rural Caucus) are encouraged to attend as non-voting members and report on committee activities and upcoming events.
The meeting is open to all registered Democrats. Generally, the Executive Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 alternating by Zoom or in person at the Center for Progress and Justice Building (1420 Cerrillos Road). Party Officers make many decisions about expenditures and appointments, and committees make recommendations related to their areas of responsibility. The County Executive Committee provides the role of advice and consent and final approval for major decisions.
Ward Meetings: Wards can meet at any time throughout the year as called by the Ward Chair. However, once a year (usually in the spring of the year) the State Chairperson calls all wards to meet to conduct elections and consider other Party business. Each year, wards elect representatives to either the County Central Committee (odd years) or County Convention (even years).
Ward officers and County Central Committee members are elected in odd-numbered years, for a two-year term. Meetings are held in a public building located within the Ward, if possible. The meetings are publicized in local newspapers 14 days in advance of the meeting and are open to anyone registered as a Democrat for at least 30 days and who lives in the ward.
These are the committees listed on the DPSFC website along with their chairs. There are two committees required by the County Rules, the Credentials and Rules Committee and the Platform and Resolutions Committee. Other committees have been constituted to deal with specific activities of DPSFC.
Communications Committee
Chair: Billie Blair, Co-Chair: Cindy Pabst
Community Service
Chair: Phyllis Bustamante
Budget & Finance Committee
Chair: Carmichael Dominquez, Vice Chair: Pat Varela
Fundraising & Events Committee
Chair: Cordy Medina
IT Committee
Chair: Phyllis Bustamante
Outreach Strategy Committee
Chair: David Thompson
Ex-Officio Chair: Henry Roybal, Ex-Officio 1st Vice Chair: Mary Jane Parks
Platform & Resolutions Committee: Consists of between 7 and 12 members. Consider resolutions and platform planks reported to it from ward or precinct meetings and formulate resolutions to present to a County Convention.
Chair: Marco Serna
Rules & Credentials Committee: Must include 10 members. Hears challenges to the elections of ward and precinct officers. The committee also serves the County Chairperson and Executive Committee to advise on rules revisions and interpretation.
Chair: JoAnne Vigil Coppler
3. DPSFC Party Roles, Responsibilities, and Powers
Every person within DPSFC is a volunteer and is expected to adhere to the highest level of ethical conduct. Our primary purpose is to elect and retain Democrats at all levels of government by activating and mobilizing a fully informed electorate.
Each person representing the Party is expected to be engaged in Party sponsored meetings and events and fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities.

Henry Roybal
CHAIR (Elected by CCC for 2-year term)
–Chief Executive of County Party
–Preside CCC meetings and County Executive Committee
–General management of affairs and elections
Has the power to
–Create agendas for County Party
–Appoint chairs and members of County Committees
–Appoint ward Chairs and CCC members when vacancies arise
–Cannot advance the cause of individual candidates in Democratic Party elections
Contact: 505 310 7587
Elected by CCC for 2-year term
1st Chair
Mary Jane Parks

Contact: (626 253 1981)
–Performs duties assigned by the chairperson and act in the absence of the Chairperson
Has the power to
–Create agendas for County Party
–Advise the Chair on matters of importance to the County Party including recommending chairs and members of
–Appoint ward Chairs and CCC members when vacancies arise
–Cannot advance the cause of individual candidates in Democratic Party elections
Elected by CCC for 2-year term
1st Chair
David Thompson

Contact: (505 372 8175)
–Performs duties assigned by the chairperson and act in the absence of the Chairperson
Has the power to
–Create agendas for County Party
–Advise the Chair on matters of importance to the County Party including recommending chairs and members of
–Appoint ward Chairs and CCC members when vacancies arise
–Cannot advance the cause of individual candidates in Democratic Party elections
Appointed by County Chair
Jennifer Manzanares
Contact: (505 670 4220)
–Keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and expenditures.
–Administer and assist in the preparation of the budget.
–Present a financial report to the CCC at each of its meeings.
Has the power to
–Guide the Chair in developing a budget and spending priorities.
–Set expectations for timely submission and payment of bills and receipts
–Cannot advance the cause of individual candidates in Democratic Party elections
Appointed by County Chair
Estrella Martinez
–Record and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the CCC, County Convention, and County Executive Committee
Has the power to
–Maintain a record and history of all DPSFC activities throughout the year
Elected at Ward meeting by ward attendees
2 year term
May be appointment by the Party Chair in the event of a vacancy
–Provide leadership and support precinct chairs
–CCC member
–Member of County Executive Committee
–Recommends to the County Chair for membership in County Committees (i.e., Budget and Finance, Platform and Resolutions, Rules and Credentials, Communications, Outreach, Events)
–Appoint ward members to fill vacancies in their CCC delegation or other ward or precinct officers up to 30 days after ward elections meeting (after that period, the County Chair can appoint individuals to fill these roles)
Has the power to
–Vote in CCC
–Support Precinct Chairs to develop grassroots leadership and organize voter turnout
–Appoint Precinct Chairs and CCC members to vacant positions
–Through the County Executive Committee, participate in discussions and decisions about the events, rules and direction of the party.
–Assist Ward and perform duties if Chair is absent
–Member of County Executive Committee
Has the power to
–Participate in decisions related to Ward events and organizing
Elected by Ward meeting attendees for a 2-year term
–Grassroots organizing of the precinct, get to know people, get out the vote (GOTV)
–Member of CCC
Has the power to
–Key player in developing grassroots leadership and organizing voter turnout
–Vote in CCC
–Vote for SCC representatives from the county
Elected by Ward meeting attendees for a 2-year term
–Attend and participate in CCC meetings (or designate a proxy)
–Spring 2024 CCC meeting scheduled for April 5 2025 (additional meetings may be scheduled in the Fall)
Has the power to
–Vote on county Party officers, rules and resolutions.
–Vote for representatives to the State Central Committee
Rules & Bylaws
Democratic Party of Santa Fe County Rules
DPSFC Rules March 2021
Democratic Party of New Mexico Rules
DPNM Rules December 2021
Democratic Party of Santa Fe County’s Platform
DPSFC Platform 2020
Democratic Party of New Mexico’s Platform
DPNM Platform
Democratic National Committee’s Platform
2016 DNC Platform